Thursday, 13 June 2013

Self Evaluation

The book covers and bookmarks look modern as I intended them to look. This is because I've used retro fonts and silhouetted shapes which are a trend now. The paper stock I've used for the finals is not the one I wanted to use. The uncoated paper I wanted to use was a bit too thick and the printer in college scratched it. My time management was quite good. I had all work finished before the deadline.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013


Book covers and bookmarks on the End of the Year Show.

End of the Year Show

This is how my board looked like. I have printed out the calendar I've made this year, the infographic about the Solar System, the book covers and bookmarks. I have also included the business cards I ordered online and the t-shirt.

Thursday, 30 May 2013


This is the development for my final business card.

This is the third idea for my business card.

Final Bookmarks

Final Book Covers

I have used simple, silhouetted shapes, retro fonts and patterns because they are a trend now. I know this from my research for the 800 word report.

Monday, 27 May 2013

Promotional Item - T-shirt

This will be my third promotional item - a t-shirt with my final logo and a tag line on the back. It's already ordered and will be delivered in 3 days. 

Monday, 13 May 2013

Business Cards

This is my first idea for my business card. I have made the background by putting oil paint on a sheet from an acrylic pad, scanning it and editing it in photoshop.

A second idea for my business card. 

Thursday, 9 May 2013


This is a rough concept on how my logo for the business card and the letterhead is going to look like.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Element Logo

This is my final logo for the Element book publisher. I have finished it on Tuesday.

This is the Element logo development in Illustrator.

Friday, 26 April 2013


Today I've continued my research on book publishers, their logos and also on different book covers for the Witcher.

I've started the Graphic Design Unit on the 22nd of April. I began my research for the 800 word illustrated report first and also began to think about what my brief is going to be about. On the 23rd I started to write the brief and decided I'm going to design a logo for a made-up specialist book publisher Element and also 3 fantasy book covers and 3 bookmarks. The book covers will be designed for the first three of the Witcher series written by Andrzej Sapkowski. I've finished and submitted the brief on the 25th. Also I have started to complete my time plan and began research on book publishers.

Research on contemporary graphic design trends

Research on current graphic designers